Add paid days to the "lamanzanillainfo" message board.

Below you may give the owner of a Boardhost message board the gift of a paid term of service. We offer payments for user purchases through Paypal. You do not need to have a Paypal account to make a payment; you can use any major credit card.

Please choose the number of days* you would like to purchase:

Boardhost 10000/with 100,000 message archive

Please enter your name or a very brief message here, as you would like it revealed to this board's owner:
Service Plan purchases are not refundable. If, in the rare event that this message board were to be terminated in accordance with our Terms of Service, any remaining pre-paid days of service will be forfeited.

You may purchase a paid term as often as you like, and any number of days that you purchase will be added to the message board's current number of pre-paid days of remaining service. Please note that purchasing a term benefits the message board as a whole, and therefore does not ordinarily grant you any special privileges or access.

*The owner of this message board has the ability to upgrade or downgrade this message board to a more or less expensive service plan at any time. If this were to occur, any pre-paid days remaining at that time would be reduced (or increased) to a number appropriate for the newly selected service plan, possibly resulting in a change to the impact of your purchase.